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Tesla Wall Charger vs Tesla Mobile Connector with a 32A tail

February 26, 2024

The Tesla EV chargers are hard to go past if you have a Tesla EV. They're reasonably priced and well made. The unlock button on the handle makes them both a must have for me.

Tesla Wall Charger

The same charger works on single phase 32 A (7 kW) or three phase 3 x 16 A (11 kW).

Gen 3 connects to WiFi, provides charging stats in the Tesla app and can be configured with scheduling.

Charger: $800 + installation

Mobile Connector with a 32A tail

Tesla sell the mobile connector with 10A & 15A tails in Australia. These allow you to plug into regular wall outlets for charging at 10 / 15 A.

32A tails that plug into the mobile connector can be purchased online. Look for a tail that will allow the mobile charger to sit flush against the wall whilst plugged into the socket so you can use a wall organiser to keep it neat.

Get a matching 32 A socket installed in your garage and you have a 32 A / 7 kW single phase home charger.

Charger: $805 (charger $550, tail $200, organiser $55) + installation.

Isn’t that a bit dodgy?

Not at all. All of the components are designed to be used as described and will work reliably for years on end.

Why doesn’t Tesla sell a 32 A tail? They do, but just not in the format that is used in Australia.

In the US Tesla sells tails rated up to 50 A (NEMA 6-50, 14-50 plugs) and 32 A in Europe (Euro Blue 32A plug).


Installation for either option requires a dedicated circuit with an isolation switch.

For the Mobile Connector you’ll also need a 32 A wall socket.

Both options use similar parts, with the Mobile Connector needing an extra wall socket and the Wall Charger needing a little more installation time.

Expect to pay a similar price for installation on either option.

How do they compare?


  • All up, installed cost there’s almost no difference for a home charging setup.
  • If you travel and need a Mobile Connector, then you’ll still need to buy one if you install a wall connector. In this case, a mobile connector saves you $550 - $750.


  • The Wall Connector is a neat and sleek-looking installation.
  • The Mobile Connector option leaves you with a charger dangling off of a power outlet.


  • The Wall Connector will give you some extra charging stats, especially if you have a Powerwall.
  • You get mostly the same details in the Tesla app against your EV though.


  • The Mobile Connector is super handy when you travel. Charging from a regular powerpoint whilst away is often enough to meet your driving needs and avoids wasted time spent at fast charging sites.
  • If you install a Wall Connector you’ll probably want to buy a mobile connector as well. Leaving it in your trunk permanently means you'll never forget to pack it when you need it.


  • On single phase, both will charge at the same speed (7 kW).
  • If you have 3 phase, the Wall Connector can go faster (11 kW).


  • If you’re renting or move house, you can take the Mobile Connector combo with you without having to pay an electrician to remove your charger. You’ll just need to allow for the installation of another 32 A circuit and socket at your new location.


  • Both will charge your Tesla at 32 A.
  • Both are safe.
  • One looks a bit neater, the other is cheaper.

If appearance and convenience are important to you, and the budget permits, go with the Wall Charger.

For the cheapest full featured charging solution, install a Mobile Connector.

* All prices are in Australian dollars and were correct at the time of publication.