/* Used to create bullet points on CMS lists by adding matching class to each item */

Data Download

This page contains instructions for configuring
chargers with Charge HQ
Please refer to our
charger listing for details on supported models and charger specifications.

Charge HQ allows downloading your historical charging data. The data is sent by email as a CSV attachment. If you have supported solar equipment, it includes the breakdown of where the energy came from: solar, home battery or the grid.

To download your data, open the Stats tab then tap the Download button.

Select the resolution of your data and the date range.

Note that 15 minute data is limited to one year per request. If you need multiple years of 15 minute data please submit multiple requests.

Data File Format

Data files are in CSV format. All energy values are in kWh. The columns are:

  • month: "YYYY-MM" eg "2024-01" (only in monthly data)
  • date: "YYYY-MM-DD" eg "2024-01-25" (only in daily data)
  • start_time_local: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" eg "2024-01-25 18:45:00", in the local timezone of the account (only in 15 minute data, see notes below)
  • start_time_epoch: seconds since Unix epoch eg 1704060900 (only in 15 minute data, see notes below)

The energy columns are common to all files:

  • charged_kwh: the total charging energy, including at home and away from home
  • from_solar_kwh: the amount of home charging energy which came directly from solar
  • from_battery_kwh: the amount of home charging energy which came directly from the home battery
  • from_grid_kwh: the amount of home charging energy which came from the grid
  • away_from_home_kwh: the amount energy when charging away from home. Only set for Tesla vehicles.
  • at_home_kwh: the amount of energy when charging at home

15 Minute Data Files


The 15 minute data files contain interval timestamps. The start_time_local field shows the date and time in the local timezone of the account. On days which have a daylight savings transition the same timestamp may be repeated and thus ambiguous.

To avoid issues with daylight savings the start_time_epoch field may be used, which contains a Unix timestamp that is unambiguous.

No zero rows

The 15 minute data files only include rows for intervals where charging occurred. If there was no charging during a particular 15 minute interval there will be no row for that interval in the data file. This reduces the file size.

Example 15 Minute Data

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